
How to Support The INTLCTR Without Opening Up Your Wallet!

Help support The International Center while saving on utilities

The International Center is pleased to introduce our clients, friends, partners and supporters to "ENERGIZING INDIANA,"  a community project undertaken by IPL, one of our Global Society Sponsors. This project is in partnership with other electric utility providers throughout the state: Duke Energy, IMPA, Indiana Michigan Power, NIPSCO and Vectren.
There are two programs- Residential Home Energy Assessments and IPL's Cool Cents- which you can elect to participate in that require NO FINANCIAL OBLIGATION but can ultimately help You, your Environment and The International Center.
The Residential Home Energy Assessment Program involves a visit to your home -- FREE OF CHARGE -- by a trained professional who will assess your home and make suggestions of measures you can take to reduce your energy consumption. The energy professional will also present you with a complimentary Energy Savings Kit which includes 9 CFL light bulbs, two low-flow shower heads, two bathroom sink aerators, a kitchen sink aerator and a pipe wrap.
The second program is called IPL's Cool Cents, geared more toward the summer months but for which you can sign up now. Through this program available to IPL customers only, IPL will install a switch on the outside of your home, near your air conditioner. During times of high electrical demand from May through September, IPL may cycle your air conditioner compressor on and off for short periods. Most customers report that they are unaware of any changes in temperature. You also receive a $5.00 reduction in your monthly electric bill for a limited period of time.
Why should you consider participating in these programs? For EACH successful enrollment in one -- or both -- programs, "ENERGIZING INDIANA" will donate $25.00 to The International Center. Which means YOU can be responsible for as much as a $50.00 donation to The International Center, just by saying YES to both programs.
You can also support us by encouraging your friends, relatives and co-workers to participate as well!
If you are interested in learning more about either program, please send an email to info@internationalcenter.org and we will forward program flyers to you. You may also call us at (317) 955-5150 or FAX us at (317) 955-5160.
Thank you to IPL and the other electric utilities throughout Indiana for joining "ENERGIZING INDIANA" and taking this step to help our community be more responsible in our energy consumption. And thanks in advance for YOUR support of The International Center through your participation in this effort!
For questions please email info@internationalcenter.org
Please visit our website at www.internationalcenter.org

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