
Meet Jesse!

Get to know Jesse Capps, the newest member of The International Center intern team!

Jesse Capps, Asian Learning Center of Indiana intern

Arriving on Monday, July 2th, Jesse is the most recent addition to The International Center. However, Jesse is no ordinary intern-he has come from Washington D.C. to spend six weeks interning for the Asian Learning Center of Indiana and simultaneously conducting research for his Ph.D. dissertation on international education and educational policy. We’ve asked Jesse a few questions to get to know him a little better, and here are his responses:

Where are you from originally?
I was born in Philadelphia, and went to high school in a small suburban town in Pennsylvania.

What is your educational background?
I received my Bachelor’s Degree in Renaissance Literature from John Carroll University in Cleveland, Ohio; my Master’s Degree from the Teachers College at the University of Pennsylvania; and I am currently a Doctoral Candidate at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia.

What is your international experience?
I was a Fullbright scholar in South Korea throughout 2000-2001. It was the English teacher’s Fullbright, which consisted of three weeks of intensive Korean and then we were dispersed throughout the country to teach. I have also been to Beijing, Thailand, Cairo, and London through travel and friendships.

What is your current occupation?
I am a high school literature teacher in the Virginia Public School system. I have been doing this for the past ten years. That has allowed me to travel, and to to pursue part time doctoral studies. I am very fortunate to have driving access to the universities and the culture of the D.C. area.

How did you find The International Center?
Pure luck. I kept reaching closed doors in Washington D.C. non-for-profits, which was frustrating because I had been searching for two summers and hadn’t found anything. The short version of the story is that there is a distant friend of mine who is a Professor at Butler University. I had a wonderful interview, and I couldn’t believe it when I got the phone call offering me the internship. However, I don’t look at this experience as just an internship. I view it as a learning and traveling opportunity as well.

What kind of research will you be conducting?
Right now, I am researching the contract proposals given to The International Center. I’m bringing in my policy lenses and applying them to the situation. I’ve been synthesizing and categorizing information regarding the mission of the ALCI and the direction in which we want to go.

What are your impressions so far of the city of Indianapolis?
I love the grid. If you’re new, it’s friendly in terms of figuring out where your location is. It’s much easier to navigate than the East Coast cities that I’m used to. It’s also less expensive-the cost to live here is much lower than out East. The stereotype that does hold true is that Midwest politeness is not just a wives tale. I don’t know why, but there’s a sense of camaraderie and politeness here that’s very welcome. It’s a little refreshing.

What are you most looking forward to during your time at The International Center?
I want to learn something. I think the word is student. I like learning new things. I’ve been a student on and off for thirteen years, so it’s just a habit.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself that most people don’t know.
I can cook Korean food. It’s what really gets me invited to dinner parties.

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