
All Good Things Must Come To An End

By Abby Miller, Marketing and Communications Intern

To say that our time at The International Center got off to an interesting start would be a complete understatement. January of this year, if you remember, Indianapolis experienced extreme winter weather that caused many interns to start later than anticipated. When the temperature of the city was below freezing and the streets were constantly covered in snow, it was easy to believe that spring would never come.
However, the trees outside our office have already bloomed and Indy is turning green again. With the changing colors comes the end of the Spring Interns’ term at The Center. It’s hard to believe it has gone so fast.

Whether we helped set up the international flag collection around Indianapolis, attended cross-cultural trainings, helped develop The Center’s new Leadership Across Cultures program, helped prepare for the International Women of Courage visitor, guided one of the many IVLP groups around Indianapolis, spoke at a Naturalization Ceremony at the Federal Courthouse, or simply did background research for upcoming projects, each experience was new and beneficial for our professional development.

Over the course of the last four months, many of us interns have grown in many ways: culturally, professionally, and closer to one another through our experience working together. For example, many of us were able to meet up for a special intern dinner in Downtown Indy. We all had plenty of laughs eating tacos and sharing our embarrassing moments as interns. We also shared with one another our plans for the upcoming months and made sure to connect through phone numbers and Facebooks.

Then, the staff at The Center celebrated our time here with another pitch-in lunch, similar to the one we had for Valentine’s Day. Once again the entire staff came together to share food and to celebrate our ending internships. Everyone took time to share their thanks and appreciation for the work that we did together.

In January, the first blog post of the year introduced each intern and said where we are from. We come from Indiana, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Turkey, and Nigeria. Each of our backgrounds played in to our individual experiences at The International Center. Now, we all share the time we had here and understand that Indiana is more global than ever.

Check back soon to meet the Summer Interns!

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