
Face to Face

By Chandin Lambert, Protocol Intern

"It's a revolutionary world we live in. And it is the young people who must take the lead." -JFK

The world we live in today is 4.54 billion years old, and the modern era began around the 16th century. The age of our world does not change the fact that it is continulously changing. We live in a revolutionary world that allows young people and generations to sculpt the world we live in. Regardless of each country's history or culture, everyone and everything is subject to change. I have been blessed to receive an unbelievable education from Ball State University, Westminster College of London, and now The International Center. The international knowledge I have gained from my internship at The Center I will take with me throughout my adventures and journerys for the rest of my life.

My time interning at The Center has been brilliant, and I have had many great experiences. I had the privilege of working under Peter Kirkwood in the Office of Protocol. My first week with The Center Peter invited me to the sister city signing ceremony for Kokomo and Dongyang. I accepted this invitation and arrived in the city of Kokomo to find people willing to learn. I watched with great interest as Peter instructed the members of the Kokomo mayor's office in Chinese culture. The lesson itself ranged from introductions to exchanging business cards. I did not understand before that day how much influence proper cultural training and protocol have in international affairs. The training from Peter and The Center allowed this event to go very smoothly. This allowed people from the city of Kokomo and Dongyang to build relationships. The delegates interacted very enthusiastically with the community of Kokomo, and were very grateful for the hospitatlity the city showed during their visit.

The generation we live in today is very dependent on technology and this has its positive and negatives. I attended a political science summit last weekend and one of the speakers said the best advice I can give you is to delete your social media and go out and meet someone. This message stuck with me and made me realize this is what The Center is doing every day. The Center has technology and utilizes it, but it is leading the Indianapolis community in going out and building international relationships.

The world we live in today may have its problems but I love it. The international community offers diverse cultures with diverse people interacting around the globe. Go meet someone from a different background, and get to know them. Build a relationship with this individual, and both parties will benefit from it. This is what The International Center does every day, with people and organizations from around the world. Follow their lead, and go out and meet someone. Continue the great tradition of change in our world that we are all blessed to live in.

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