
The Ever Globalizing Indianapolis

By Bridget Hays, Strategic Initiatives Intern

Last Monday I had the chance to hear the French Consul General, Graham Paul, speak at World Trade Day at the Ritz Charles. Our very own CEO, Diane Thomas, was chosen as an honorary consul for Indiana and was introduced to the group. M. Paul continued on with a speech discussing the strengths of France and why it is and will be a great trading and investment partner for US companies. This entire morning was extremely exciting and interesting to me as an international business student who was fortunate enough to study abroad in France for five months. I started missing Nantes a lot, but I also became quite excited for all of the international opportunities that Indy currently has to offer and will have in the future with the drive to make our city even more global.

Being part of this World Trade Day allowed me to look forward to a project that I am currently working on. In the upcoming month The International Center is hosting an informational session on a visa program that can bring in investment dollars. The event is in partnership with the Indiana Construction Rountable and will be a great way to meet individuals in the construction industry. These attendees are interested in the idea of a more global Indiana and will be an asset to Indy's future.

My experience thus far at The International Center has been great and full of constant learning. There is something new every day going on in the office which allows for an enticing environment. All of the ongoing and new projects are great indicators of what an exciting time it is to be in Indy. Global business is knocking at our door and The International Center is ready.

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