
Doing Business Globally

By Allison Smith, Asian Learning Center of Indiana Intern

Although I am an intern for the Asian Learning Center of Indiana, I have been very busy throughout my internship working on projects outside this particular branch of The International Center. One such event would be Indiana Black Expo, Inc.’s “Doing Business Globally” held Monday, July 16th .

On day one of my internship I was placed on the planning committee for this event and have been working away ever since at coordinating the efforts of other members of the planning committee and keeping them updated on The Center’s progress. Additionally, I was put in charge of creating a flyer to advertise for the event as well as a program with an agenda, panelist biographies, and a sponsor list for attendees. Prior to this event I had no experience creating marketing materials, so this was quite the adventure for me. While these tasks proved to be somewhat frustrating at times, it was an incredible learning experience and I am so proud of the results. I could not have done it without the much appreciated help of my fellow interns at The Center and my supervisors/mentors, Weilin Long and Peter Kirkwood.

Elizabeth, Mayor Ballard, Myself, and Marie
at the Mayor's breakfast
 Just to give a brief overview of the day’s events, a couple of other participating interns, Marie Parent and Elizabeth Newkirk, and I arrived bright and early at the City County Building to join the volunteers for the Mayor’s Breakfast. We traveled to the Indiana Convention Center and dispersed materials amongst the tables and then assisted in seating the guests.

Once the first speaker came on stage we joined a table and enjoyed a delicious breakfast. Seated at our table was Amos Brown, the Director of Strategic Research at Radio One Indianapolis. It was wonderful to have had the opportunity to meet this gentleman; he was a great story teller! We also had the chance to meet Mayor Ballard.

 Next on our agenda was “Doing Business Globally”. The purpose of this event was to provide valuable information for those interested in doing business internationally. There were 18 exhibitors and 8 panelists, and my favorite exhibitor was the Mexican Consulate of Indianapolis (it might have had something to do with the Mexican candy they passed out). The panel presentations were full of vital information for anyone interested in taking their business to the next level and going global. Some points covered were how to finance your exports, what countries are considered emerging markets, the vital role human development plays in creating successful businesses, and the importance of understanding and being knowledgeable of a country’s history and culture in order to be fully prepared to do business with them.

Program that we created for IBE's "Doing Business Globally"
The day was a success, and I networked and gained some valuable experience. I was exhausted by the end, but again, proud of the project I had worked so hard on.

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